Everything is Energy. Energy is Everything.

Frequently Asked Questions
Some Things You Might Be Wondering
What's Intuitive Counseling compared to other counseling?
It's channeling your spirit guides and your higher self. This is based on my qualifications and experience as a Reiki Master, under a minister's license. Sessions include both talking about what I see happening, and energy work to help healing and resolution.
I'm quite nerdy, experienced, well-read, and have studied many modalities. However, I'm not licensed in any mental health profession and not trying to be a substitute for psychotherapy.
I'm also a licensed massage and cranio-sacral therapist, but medical intuitive advice I relay in sessions doesn't reflect any official medical expertise or qualification.
Of course, I would never offer these services if my clients didn't find them helpful, healing, and sometimes life-changing. This is deeply useful stuff. But I literally hear voices and then tell you what they're saying, so, you know, book your session with that in perspective.
Are You Going to Tell My Future?
Luckily, no! Your future is up to you.
I generally don't see the future, I see the present and the past. Although that energy makes it pretty likely that things are going in a particular direction, you always have the power to use your awareness to shift that direction.
I do work with astrology, and there are times, of course, when the energy is luckier and better for certain things. There are also inevitable times that are challenging or difficult. Sometimes something is coming down the pike that you should know about, and the guides will tell you. But the future is always unwritten.
How Do I Prepare for a Session?
Working remotely is a beautiful tool, but it is hard to not be able to wrap everyone in plush blankets the way I could in my office. Please try to recreate from home the cozy elements you would be getting in person:
Set up your session at a time and in a place when you can be as comfortable as possible: in a private, quiet place, in soft clothes, with room to lay down or stretch out, and your phone and/or family and friends set to "do not disturb,"
Try to be good and hydrated beforehand, so that your tissues are bouncy and receptive,
Have a well-charged phone or computer, and good reception or strong internet connection, so we don't lose each other over technical glitches.
Some people like to bring a list of questions to their sessions, and others do fine by just showing up admitting that they know they need a session but can't quite say why. (The guides always know why.) It's best to show up with an open mind and an honest, tender heart, and be ready to ask for what you really want, but if you aren't quite there yet, that works fine too. You're welcome exactly as you are.
What are we going to do in the session?
I never know what's going to happen in a session, even after seeing someone many times - which is perfect.
It's up to you if you would like to spend the entire session talking like you would with a therapist, most of the time on energy work like you would going in for a massage session, or a blend of both. More focused energy work can come in whatever way you're most comfortable with: by pausing the conversation to energetically address a certain thing, or by guided meditation through whatever I see coming up. If you're not sure what ratio is best for you, we can tune in and ask your guidance.
Energy healing is already taking place as we talk. All sessions include some degree of using Reiki energy healing to clear away old, outgrown emotions and attitudes, sort of like exfoliating your feelings. This may be part of, or totally independent of, addressing physical illnesses and injuries.
You're welcome to relax and reflect inwardly during energy work, or participate by incorporating tools that work for you already, like EFT tapping, mindful breathing, or prayers. Energy work is more powerful when folks can keep it going outside of their sessions, so I highly encourage all my clients to use our time as an opportunity to add to and enhance their own skills and strengths. Ultimately, all our work is just me reinforcing the connection between you and your own divine guidance.
Guidance appears however it feels like appearing. Sometimes it's very direct about informing you of your own potential, and comes in very clear messages from your own subconscious, ancestors, and spirit guides. Other times, the images appear to me without explanations, more like riddles designed to provoke memories and emotions, and lead you through a series of observations to uncover the hidden roots of patterns for yourself.
In sessions, clients and I have confronted feelings of depression and discovered reasons for it as different as unconscious beliefs, misaligned cranial bones putting pressure on the brain, or intestinal parasites contracted from eating bad sushi. (That's my best example of why cross-checking intuitive guidance with a medical professional is a very good idea.)
What should I do after my session?
If possible, schedule your session for a time when you won't have to work or go out afterward if you don't feel like it. Reserving the post-session time for things like relaxing, journaling, playing, sleeping, and hanging out in nature is ideal. Your inner being gets a lot of transformation done while you're resting.
Can I record my session?
Yes. Recordings can be very helpful to review later, and having a recording can also free up your attention if you would otherwise be taking notes.
With Zoom, the way that works is that I'll change the session host to you, and then you'll be able to record the session and save it to your own computer. I will not retain a copy of the session.
If you have a preferred technology to record a phone session, you are also welcome to do that.
Your sessions are yours to do what you would like with. However, I would appreciate that you not use the footage of me speaking to create social media materials that may misrepresent the messages, where my words are taken out of context or used for commercial gain.
Can you help me afford it?
Yes, I offer a sliding scale. These are crazy times, economically. If you feel drawn to a session, but don't have the financial abundance going on to afford one, please use the sliding scale of $65-108/hr.
You can adjust the price by using a coupon code: 10%OFF, 15%OFF, 20%OFF, 25%OFF, 30%OFF, or 40%OFF.
The full late cancellation fee still applies to sliding scale sessions.
If you are not low-income, but like bargains, remember that you're making an appointment with a psychic. Let's not make it awkward. That said, most low-income people feel self-conscious about taking up this offer, and I want you to know that if I didn't mean it sincerely, I wouldn't offer it.
What's your cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours notice, there is a $35 fee.
That fee is waived if you can send someone in your place. You or the new person can text me to let me know the change, or just show up. Use the same Zoom link and it should be fine. (The two of you are going to have to work the payment out amongst yourselves, though.)
Please don't use email for late cancellation arrangements, if possible, as it's the last thing I tend to see.
Please note that, because I may be busy in a session at the time, I may not be able to acknowledge communication about late cancellations until right before the appointment was supposed to start.
If you just don't show up, the session is not refundable.
If I have an emergency and have to cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you get a refund and a free replacement session.
If technical glitches make your session start late, you still get the full time. However, if the delay is more than 15 minutes, someone else might be waiting, so we may have to reschedule or come up with something in order to redo it.
Can more than one person do a session together?
Sessions can be for more than one person, although I definitely prefer video chat to the phone if there is more than one. If you have questions about your children or pets, and would like healing work for them, please note that they don't actually have to be there - I can still "see" them without seeing them on the screen.
Couples are welcome, but please remember that couple's counseling is a skilled specialty and my work is not a substitute for a licensed family therapist.
Can you help me integrate experiences with psychedelics and plant medicines?
For those who are working intentionally with psychedelics, plant medicines and MDMA-assisted therapy, I am a absolute nerd for psychedelics research and their power for healing deeply and quickly. These experiences can often leave you with a lot of questions. Please rest assured that nothing you bring to your session is going to sound even remotely strange to me. The spirits of these medicines often appear in session too. With intuition, we can review and decode your ceremony experiences, and integrate the gifts of that very different visionary state.
If you're considering using psychedelics, we can also consult with your body and higher self to see if they're recommended by Spirit as a helpful and safe option for you, and if so, how best to begin with them.
I don't feel like the digital format is supportive enough to help during a psychedelic experience, so please note that while you're welcome to talk about any experience, please be sober at the time of your appointment.
You'd be great for one of my loved ones. Can I make an appointment for them?
I welcome all referrals to enthusiastic new clients, and sharing this experience of spiritual guidance with your loved ones can create wonderful common ground. However, they must have their own reasons for coming in order for it to work.
For this reason, I don't recommend making an appointment for another person. The person must feel drawn to this work enough to initiate their own session. A very high proportion of people whose appointments were made for them have just not shown up.
Adolescents may be the exception to this, but they still must fully agree to and want the session. I also respect their same rights to full confidentiality as I would with an adult client, so I won't "report back" to their parents or caregivers about what they share or work on.
It doesn't work to bring another person into a session with the intention to "fix" them, especially adolescents or partners. The desire to heal makes us available for healing, and without that, the session tends to fall flat. I'll literally see nothing if they don't fully consent for me to see them.
Confidentiality is very important to respect, so once another person in your life is my client, it may change what I'm able to say about them, compared to intuition about people I don't know. If both people consent directly to me, though, you are welcome to waive confidentiality with certain specific people - for example, so you and your partner can gain insight about each other in sessions.
What's the Energy Healing part?
Energy healing is going to be taking place as we talk. Depending on your preferences and the advice the guides give, we may also pause talking to fully focus on changing the vibe that's driving the bus in the situation.
All sessions include some degree of using Reiki energy healing to clear away old, outgrown emotions and attitudes, sort of like exfoliating your feelings. This may be part of, or totally independent of, addressing physical illnesses and injuries.
You're welcome to relax and reflect inwardly during energy work, or participate by incorporating tools that work for you already, like EFT tapping, mindful breathing, or prayers. Energy work is more powerful when folks can keep it going outside of their sessions, so I highly encourage all my clients to use our time as an opportunity to add to and enhance their own skills and strengths. Ultimately, all our work is just me reinforcing the connection between you and your own divine guidance.